Please choose your country or region. Prices and availability may vary based on country/region.


Regarding North American Availability

In merely 24 hours, you have pushed us to reach over 70% of our campaign goal, and we can't thank you enough!

Since the campaign went live, a major concern arose which we'd like to address at this time.

North American Availability

We would like to apologize for any confusion and inconveniences. At this time, the REDMAGIC device is optimized for countries located in Europe and Asia. Since the bands in the region are different from those in North America, it would be irresponsible of us to give you a device that we know would compromise your mobile and gaming experiences.

With the current setup, a REDMAGIC user would have limited 4G connectivity in North America, as carriers usually use different bands.

So what's next?

It is typical for phone companies to make region-specific devices to maximize connectivity among carriers. So, REDMAGIC has initiated the development of a North American-specific device.

We anticipate the device for this region to be ready to ship by fall. You will be able to purchase it directly through our website,

Many people have expressed their disappointment by this situation, and we want to make it up to you. If you purchased the exclusive $50 voucher, you will receive a physical card with two voucher codes: the first one will allow you to purchase the North American version of RedMagic for $399, while the second one will give you a $50 voucher on accessories and merch available on

For the ones who boldly go, we invite you to join our early testing group. A REDMAGIC phone with Android 8.1 will be sent to you and later swapped once the North America model comes to market.

Visit our Indiegogo campaign page for more info.

We encourage your openness, and hope to continue this conversation to assure you that REDMAGIC is working tirelessly for you.

Thank you for your time. Have a great day!



Our goal here at REDMAGIC is to deliver the most complete gaming experience on mobile.

Established in October 2017, we’ve sought to harness their skill in smartphone design and combine it with a gamer’s determination in achieving high performance gameplay.

The result? Mobile gaming devices that strike the perfect balance between sleek, ergonomic   hardware and fully optimised software. Gaming smartphones that are powerful, durable, and  cool to the touch.

But we’re just getting started. With the resources we have at our disposal, we’ve made it our   mission to break further ground and unlock the full potential of mobile gaming.